
Hungry Little Birds

The Boys in the Family

The Boys in the Family
The Boys in the Family

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Carol Annie, Melody, and Linda Sue

We were out at Longview Lake with Mom, Caleb, Linda's children, and some of Carol's friends. It was a good day. This is my famous Walmart shirt with Tweetie Bird. Linda looked fabulous. She always looks fabulous. Carol and I looked... like 50 year old ladies that have eaten too much ice cream for several years but are very happy! I talked them into letting Carol's friend take our picture but after this post, I'm not sure that I will ever be able to get them to pose with me again. Looking back at the picture, I can feel the muddy shoreline and smell the sandy shore. Linda's kids were so much fun. They just laid at the edge of the water and built sand castles and moats and got really covered in sand that that good old Missouri mud. That's what kids should do in the summer. Run and splash and drick soda pop. Carol and I took Mom home, so tired but really feeling "laked". That's a Preuitt term that means too much sun, wet suits, damp car seats, sand on the floor of the car, a thoroughly exhausted body, but happy.
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